for 100 tests
Reticulin kit
Seven-reagent kit for detecting argyrophilic reticulin fibers. It clearly differentiates between collagen and reticulin and nerve fibers and connective tissue. The main function of reticular fibers is to provide support and are normally found in liver, lymph nodes, spleen and kidneys.
Rhodanine kit
Four-reagent kit for detecting copper and copper-associated protein (CAP) in patients suffering from Wilson’s disease. Abnormal copper accumulations are predominately found in liver tissue, but can also be found in the brain and cornea of the eyes.
Safranin O kit
Four-reagent kit for identification of cartilage, mucins and mastocyte granules used in histology and cytology.
Sudan Black B Lipid kit
Four-reagent kit for specific lipid staining in cytochemistry. Sudan Black dye stains a few types of lipids, including neutral fats, phospholipids and sterols. It contains a double amount of Sudan Black B, solution.
TB-Stain Histo kit
Three-reagent kit for staining acid-fast bacteria (pathogenic mycobacteria) in histology sections, sputum, smears and culture smears according to Ziehl-Neelsen. Heating of the carbol-fuchsin solution is avoided in this protocol hence omitting the release of hazardous phenolic vapors.
Two Step HRP Detection System
A system of five reagents for immunohistochemical staining visualization.
Van Gieson Trichrome kit
Three-reagent kit for staining collagen fibers, muscle tissue, keratinized epithelium, cytoplasm, glial fibers and erythrocytes. Used for differentiation between collagen and smooth fibers in tumors and various other diseases.
Verhoeff kit
Six-reagent kit for detecting atrophy of elastic tissue in cases of emphysema, thinning and loss of elastic fibers in arteriosclerosis and other vascular diseases, or whether blood vessels have been invaded by a tumor.