5x100 mL
BioGram 4 kit
Four-reagent kit for identification of bacteria according to Gram. Kit contains Gram Crystal Violet 1% solution, stabilized Gram Lugol solution, double amount of Gram Decolorizer solution 2 and Gram Safranin solution as counterstain.
Giemsa HP kit
Four-reagent kit for staining Helicobacter pylori in gastroscopic sections according to Lennart. Advantages of this method for detecting H. pylori are sensitive and reproducible results and easy performance.
Gomori Trichrome kit
Five-reagent kit for staining muscle, collagen fiber and nuclei, contains blue counterstain. The kit can be used to contrast skeletal, cardiac or smooth muscle.
Grimelius kit
Five-reagent kit for staining argyrophilic granules. Grimelius kit can be used for the detection of secretory intracytoplasmatic granules specific for carcinoid tumors and for identification of neuroendocrine cells.
P.A.S. kit
Five-reagent Periodic Acid-Schiff kit for staining aldehydes, muccopolysaccharides, mucoproteins and lymphocytes according to Hotchkiss-McManus. P.A.S. staining may also be used for the demonstration of fungal organisms in tissue sections.
Rhodanine kit
Four-reagent kit for detecting copper and copper-associated protein (CAP) in patients suffering from Wilson’s disease. Abnormal copper accumulations are predominately found in liver tissue, but can also be found in the brain and cornea of the eyes.
According to Ziehl-Neelsen/Bacteriology and mycology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/TB-Stain kits and reagents
TB-Stain ECO kit
Three-reagent phenol-free kit for staining acid-fast bacteria. Contains TB-Fuchsin reagent, double amount of TB Decolorizer and Methylene Blue Loeffler’s reagent as counterstain.
Von Kossa kit
Five-reagent kit for simple and reproducible detection of calcium deposits and calcium salt in tissue samples according to Von Kossa. Tissue calcification is associated with metabolic problems in various tissues (like bone marrow and mamma) and in tumors.