500 mL
Nuclear Fast Red (Kernechtrot) reagent
Nuclear Fast Red dye solution for staining nuclei. Counterstain in many special staining kits.
OG-6 reagent, Pap 2A
Monochromatic reagent for counterstaining mature and keratinized squamous cell. Contains Orange G dye that stains the cytoplasm orange.
OG-EA31 Pap reagent
One-step polychromatic reagent used as counterstain for gynecology samples in cytology. Enables rapid staining and differentiation between epithelial cells whose cytoplasm is stained green and pink. It is not necessary to use OG-6, Pap 2A reagent during staining because it stains cytoplasm of keratinized cell orange at the same time.
OG-EA50 Pap reagent
One-step polychromatic reagent used as counterstain for gynecology samples in cytology. Enables rapid staining and differentiation between epithelial cells whose cytoplasm is stained blue and pink. It is not necessary to use OG-6, Pap 2A reagent during staining because it stains cytoplasm of keratinized cell orange at the same time.
Orange II reagent, Pap 2B
Monochromatic reagent for counterstaining mature and keratinized squamous cell. Contains Orange II dye that stains the cytoplasm intensive red.
P.T.A. – P.M.A. reagent
Reagent containing optimum concentration of phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdic acid. Used with Masson Trichrome and Masson-Goldner Trichrome staining kits.
PBS Wash (10x) pH 7.4
Phosphate buffer solution concentrate for rinsing during the immunohistochemical staining.
Periodic acid, 0.5% solution
Synonym: Orthoperiodic acid. Oxidizing medium widely used in histology. Key component of many special staining kits, such as P.A.S. and Alcian Blue-P.A.S., P.A.S.M. / Jones, Grocott and Weigert-Van Gieson kits.