2,5 L
Acid alcohol
Reagent for enabling crisp visualization of nuclear chromatin detail and removing of excess background dye in histological samples after regressive staining with hematoxylin.
Bio-Diff kits/BioGnost Bio-Diff Kit/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 1 reagent
Fixative agent, component of Bio-Diff kit.
BioBluing Buffer
Buffered reagent for nuclear bluing (pH 8.5) for progressive and regressive HE staining method in histology.
BioClear New
Xylene substitute. Based on aliphatic hydrocarbons, essentially no odor. For use in histology and cytology.
BioGnost BioKlor 25 reagent
BioGnost BioKlor 25 reagent is used in combination with Pepsin reagent for the detection of trichinella larvae in meat by the artificial digestion method.