Temporary unavailable 2.5 L packaging for selected products


Temporary unavailable 2.5 L packaging for selected products

Dear Business Partner,
We would like to inform you that the 2.5 L package is currently unavailable for these products:

  • BioClear (BC-2.5L)
  • BioClear New (BCN-2.5L)
  • Acetone for histology (AC-2.5L)
  • Gram Decolorizer solution 2 (GD2-OT-2.5L)

Other product volumes for the above-listed products are available from stock.
If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us.
BioGnost Ltd.

Poštovani poslovni partneru,
obavještavamo Vas da trenutno nismo u mogućnosti isporučiti sljedeće proizvode u pakiranju od 2.5 L:

  • BioClear (BC-2.5L),
  • Aceton za histologiju (AC-2.5L),
  • BioClear New (BCN-2.5L) i
  • Gram Dekolorizator otopina 2 (GD2-OT-2.5L)

Ostala pakiranja gore navedenih proizvoda i dalje su dostupna s lagera.
U slučaju dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
S poštovanjem,
BioGnost d.o.o.