BioMount New Low

Product Description

Very low viscosity for a permanent covering of microscope samples deparaffinized using xylene substitute-based medium, as well as the xylene-based medium.

Available Options:

REF Volume Quantity
BMNL-30 30 mL
BMNL-100 100 mL
BMNL-250 250 mL
BMNL-500 500 mL


BioMount synthetic covering/mounting media provide expected tissue transparency and sample preservation during the period of several years. BioGnost media’s refractive indices are similar to those of glass slide and cover glass. That does not cause the unwanted refraction of light and it provides a clear and detailed image of the section. BioMount, BioMount High, BioMount DPX, BioMount DPX High, BioMount DPX Low, BioMount DPX New and BioMount C media are xylene-based. That makes them compatible with BioGnost’s BioClear xylene, clearing/deparaffinizing medium. BioMount M is toluene-based media for covering and mounting samples, while BioMount New and BioMount New Low are universal media based on isoparaffin xylene substitute and are compatible with BioGnost’s BioClear New medium for clearing/deparaffinizing, but with BioGnost’s BioClear xylene.

BioMount New and BioMount New Low are not harmful for handling, while BioMount C makes an excellent substitution for natural covering medium, such as Canada Balsam. Due to their low viscosity, BioMount, BioMount DPX New, BioMount New Low and BioMount M are ideal for use in automated stainers. BioGnost has a wide range of BioMount covering media in its sales range based on the variety of their solvents and viscosity. That makes them ideal for fulfilling the needs and priorities of experts during preparing histological and cytological sections. A small amount of BioMount covering/mounting medium should be applied to the test sample in order to create a fixed permanent preparation (along with the solvent evaporation).