Histology and cytology
Bcl-2 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (clone 124)
Bcl-2 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (clone 124) is a mouse primary monoclonal antibody. It is available as a concentrate or as a ready-to-use reagent.
Biebrich Scarlet, C.I. 26905
Croceine Scarlet, Ponceau B, Ponceau BS, BSC certified stain. For Masson trichrome staining and a component of Shorr’s solution.
Bielschowsky kit
Five-reagent kit for staining nerve fibers, axons, neurofibrils and senile plaques in the central nervous system. Bielschowsky silver stain kit can be used in detecting Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.
Bio-Diff kits/BioGnost Bio-Diff Kit/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 1 reagent
Fixative agent, component of Bio-Diff kit.
Bio-Diff kits/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 1 RTU reagent
Fixative component Bio-Diff RTU kit.