Mounting media
In order to prepare permanent sections, stained samples must be covered with a suitable mounting medium. One of the most important criteria is the refractive index that must be similar to that of glass. Other criteria include a suitable solvent, polymer and medium viscosity. After the sample is covered with the medium and cover slide is mounted, the section is protected from external factors and remains preserved for a prolonged period of time. BioMount media do not crack nor turn yellow during sample storage.
Low viscosity xylene-based medium for a permanent covering of microscope slides and mounting cover slips.
BioMount Aqua
Water-based medium for covering microscope slides and mounting coverslips. With application in immunohistochemistry as a barrier between chromogen stains and the organic solvent-based permanent mounting media.
BioMount C
Very high viscosity medium for a permanent covering of microscope slides and mounting cover slips.
* excellent synthetic substitution for natural covering media, such as Canada Balsam -
BioMount DPX
Medium viscosity medium for permanent covering of microscope samples and mounting cover slips.
BioMount DPX High
High viscosity medium for permanent covering of microscope samples and mounting cover slips.
BioMount DPX Low
Low viscosity medium for permanent covering of microscope samples and mounting cover slips. Can be used in automatic cover slip machines.
BioMount DPX New
Low viscosity medium for permanent covering of microscope samples and mounting cover slips. Medium contains more environmentally friendly plasticizer instead of harmful dibutyl phthalate. Can be used in automatic cover slip machines.
BioMount High
Very high viscosity xylene-based medium for permanent covering of microscope samples and mounting cover slips.