May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents
One of the most commonly used methods (Pappenheim) is May-Gruenwald Giemsa (MGG) for staining hematology and cytology materials, as well as cytology smears of hematopoietic organs. Giemsa solution is also used for staining histology sections.
Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Buffer solution, pH 6.4
Phosphate buffer solution, molarity 6 mM for use in hematology and histology.
Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Buffer solution, pH 6.8
Phosphate buffer solution, molarity 6 mM for use in hematology and histology.
Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Buffer tablets pH 6,8
Phosphate buffer tablets for preparing buffer solutions used in hematology and histology. One buffer tablet is sufficient for preparation of 1000 mL of phosphate buffer solution.
Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Giemsa solution
Polychromatic solution of Eosin Y, Methylene Blue and azure dyes. For use in hematology, cytology, histology and for staining section samples of hematopoietic organs.
Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/May-Gruenwald and Giemsa reagents/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
May-Gruenwald solution
Polychromatic solution of Eosin Y, Methylene Blue and azure dyes. For staining in hematology, cytology and staining sections of hematopoietic organs in histopathology.