Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff kits/BioGnost Bio-Diff Kit/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 1 reagent
Fixative agent, component of Bio-Diff kit.
Bio-Diff kits/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 1 RTU reagent
Fixative component Bio-Diff RTU kit.
Bio-Diff kits/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 2 RTU reagent
Red component of Bio-Diff RTU kit.
Bio-Diff kits/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff 3 RTU reagent
Blue component of Bio-Diff RTU kit.
Bio-Diff kits/BioGnost Bio-Diff Kit/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff kit
Three-reagent kit that contains fi xative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining. Each kit contains buffer tablets for consistent staining results.
Bio-Diff kits/Citology and hematology staining reagents/Histology and cytology/Rapid and standard hematology reagents and kits
Bio-Diff RTU kit
Ready-to-Use three-reagent kit with reagents stored in containers that can be used as staining jars. Kit contains fixative agent, red and blue components for fast and effective staining and buffer tablet for consistent staining results.